Sunday, August 31, 2008


I am: Tired!
I know: I need to be a better blogger about things that matter.
I want: A new leather couch and chairs
I have: More junk than I need
I hate: Cleaning my stools and my floors
I fear: losing a loved one
I feel: frustrated
I hear: Luke telling Nate this is the best day ever!?? and Ellie singing Hannah Montana..."Lets go G and O"
I smell: my house
I crave: Snickers and Diet Dr Pepper.
I search: For for my keys and my cell phone all the time!
I wonder: what it is about me that annoys people???We all have something...what is it about me?
I regret: things I say after I say them.
I care: about peoples feelings
I always: check the classifieds
I am not: organized
I believe: most people mean well and don't want to hurt people
I sing: Hannah Montana and the chipmunks!
I fight: with Ellie a lot more than I want to!
I write: hardly anything....mostly type.
I can usually be found: at home or in my car
I lose: my patience a lot!
I win: the mom of the year award (NOT)
I wish: I could tell people how I really feel.
I never: have been out of the country.
I forget: my memories of my childhood
I am scared: of my kids getting sick!
I need: to be better about being on time
I am happy about: my life!
I tag: anyone who wants to...its a quick and easy one, just write the first thing that comes to your mind.


Kim said...

I also wonder what is it about me the annoys people ;).

White Family said...

That's cute Amy. Your a great Mom!!

Chan said...

I obviously annoy Robin...

House of Mellor said...

I wish I was more layed back like you and as fast as decorating too.

The Halls said...

Sorry I kinda stole this post and put it on my blog...

I just want to be exactly like you when I grow up!!!

Ann said...

Okay Amy it's your turn to update your blog! :) He he he, I keep checking it to see your newest "post". Well I suppose this is new, but I mean newer . . . . I know you always have something going. ;)