Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cute little stinker!!!

So I am finally getting around to doing my Ellie update. I dont know why it is so hard for me to update my own blog. I get so caught up reading everyone elses exciting lives! So here goes.....Ellie is getting so big! Everyone keeps commenting on how much she is growing up lately and I can so see it in the way her clothes are fitting! Not only is she looking older but suddenly she is like a 17 year in a five year olds body. You should hear some of the things she says to me lately! I swear I didnt get smarter than my mother until I was at least fifteen. If I say something she doesnt agree with me about she looks at me and says "Whatever Mother". The other day I did her hair and apparently she thought she was lookin pretty good cause I overheard her in the bathroom while staring in the mirror saying "oh my gosh I am sooo cute, soo cute" then she came out and gave me the talk to the hand sign and said...."you are so weird, mother."

Picture by Anniemations Photography!

Some days I swear I am going to pull my hair out! But then I watch her with Bailey and I melt! She is such a good big sister! I can see it in Baileys eyes that she already adores her big sister. Ellie loves to get her to sleep and somehow she can really do it....apparently Bailey likes to hear her sing Hannah Montana songs cause thats what we listen to all day long!

Its been so long since I have posted about her that I missed her 5th B-day. She of course had a Hannah Montana party and had a ton of little rock stars over. We played musical dots (like chairs, but with big polka dots), hot microphone, we made rock star glasses and lots of other fun things!

Ellie also finished up her last year of preschool, which means kindergarten is on its way. She graduated from Whiz Kidz and loved it! She also finished up her second year of dance and had the cutest recital ever. I love to watch her dance. She gets so nervous, but then just loves to be up on the stage! She asks all the time when her next "stage" is . She also insists that her Dad brings her flowers to all her recitals. I am not sure thats how it is suppose to work. o-well she Loves it!


Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

She is so funny! She is so cute and is 18! :) I am glad that she is friends with my kids. Chloe adores her!!!

I haven't heard her call you MOTHER, but I want to. LOL

Megs said...

I love the pictures. She is adorable. I just think all your kids are.

Sarah said...

She is so funny! I want you to come over more so I can see her 'non-shy' side. I can't believe the summer is half over, I'm not ready for the whole Kindergarten thing!

Ann said...

Katie adores Ellie like she hung the moon! She is such a cutie, and I am sure we all went through the fun "sassy" stage. (Some of us may still be stuck in it). Cutie!

White Family said...

Love how pretty she is. You do your blog so good. I love that you rant and rave about your beautiful kids. See you soon.

Nikki said...

OK...I shouldn't have looked at the picture! Now I am really upset I missed out, and of course Riley saw it and wants to do it now (Ah...a little late kiddo) I want her to do my family pics. We defenitely love Elle at our house, she is so cute with Rayden too!

House of Mellor said...

Too cute! Especially that she sings Hannah Montana to Bailey.

Deb'nDJ said...

Hey, it doesn't get much cuter than Ellie!!! She kills me, she's so fun and sassy! I can't believe that she's in Kindergarten already!?

The Halls said...

We love Ellie at our house!!! She is always the first person the girls ask to play with every day. I love that she is talking to us now. She used to be so shy! I can't wait to hear her call you "mother"...funny stuff!

Jamie said...

That picture turned out so cute! I'm glad that you liked the tutus and the onesies. When I found out they were for you, I was glad to do them...I still feel like I owe you for cutting Brecklyn's hair!

Grammy Doris said...

I wonder where she ever learned to say "Whatever Mother". It seems to me that I have heard that before.

Kelly said...

I love love love that first picture of ellie. She is way too cute for her own good.