Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just Do it....

You know you want to....(thanks Dest!)
Memory Game:
1. Add a comment to my blog by leaving a memory that you and I experienced together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little, or A LOT. All you have to do, is simply, remember.
2. When you've done that, post this to your blog, experience the memories from your lifetime, and I'll return the favor.


The Halls said...

I remember going to your first house in NSL and being amazed that you finished the and all...and it looked so good!

I remember taking you diapers when Ellie was born and being so frazzled that my kids were crawling all over your house...

I remember sitting with you in the NICU and feeling like I was helping you to understand that crazy place.

Good times...

Sarah said...

"We can't play with that. It's my mom's"

"Can I borrow a shovel, I need to dig up my cat."

Our lemonade stand, and that weird guy that scared us.

Laying out, and eating popcorn and drinking chocolate milk.

Our sleepovers, there were thousands!

So many fun memories. It always makes me smile to think of our crazy times! Love ya!

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

My very first memory of you is when we have the North Towne Station garage sale and you had a big piece of glass on the lawn that Nate's sister wanted. Ellie was in her car seat and Luke was running around sucking his binki.

Since then there have been lots-o-memories.
- Peeing my pants at your house when I was pregnant and throwing up.
- Straightening my hair on your porch.
- Staying in our pj's all day long.
- Laughing.
- You calming my fears about disease.
- Playing Thomas the Train with Luke and Gavin.
- Looking at lots and realizing we were going to live by each other.
- Watching kids dance, sing, fight.
- Calling to just check in.
- Etc., etc. etc.

You are a great friend and we (me and my family) love you and your family!

Destenee said...

I don't even know where to start! First of all I guess I am super gratefull that you still like me considering how apparently onrey I was the first time we met :). I remember shortly after Bailey was born and you were trying to stay off DP and you called to ask if I thought it was ok for you to start up again. It didn't take much convincing! As we know you have a weakness for such things. I will also never forget/forgive when you dragged my butt out of bed early one saturday morning to go to book camp when I had told you I didn't want to soooo crossed the line. At least it gave me an excuse to be a butt head to you! My love handles do thank you though. Wow that was long!

mama fish said...

You aren't a stalker-I totally put your link on my blog, so that makes me the stalker! I have tons of memories of living by each other but probably the best are pitching the tent and camping in your back yard practically everyday of summer. Climbing your cherry trees and trying to make cherry pie of sorts. I do remember the hide-a-bed and yes, our brothers were jerks weren't they? We are trying to start our house if the city would ever give us the go ahead.(hopefully in a couple of weeks) I am taking Hayden to school there though. I will just have to drive him most of the year. k- that was way too long:)

Destenee said...

I ment BOOT camp not Book Camp...incase you were wondering. But maybe I should find a book camp for you so you would read every now and again,

Melinda said...

Going to Disneyland the year after I got married and riding a bus in Mexico! Also, going to Disneyland three weeks after you had Ellie and driving home in 114 degree weather with our windows down.

Chan said...

Well the first time I met you, I didn't like you. You were cute and skinny and I thought that there was no way in hell we would ever get along. I have to eat those words because we have had so much fun living next door. Countless summer nights out back just talking, hours of torture at boot camp, many great haircuts...I could go on and on. I am really grateful to not only call you a neighbor but a friend.

Dawn & Todd Gottfredson said...

I remember going to CPK downtown and having a blast with you and about 15 girls from W Farmington. Then meeting you and Misty again and you guys telling me you thought I was a total brat that night...Ha-Ha! I also remember our long phone conversations and you doing my hair in your kitchen...good times!!!

Jon & Kim said...

Hey Amy it's Kim.

I remember going to Island Park with you and Brooke. You both had your boys. We scrapbooked all night and talked about everything. I also found out you lived in the ward I grew up in. Small world. Any way just thought I would say Hi. Your family is so cute!!

Deb'nDJ said...

Amy, my favorite memory of you is of the first time we got to hang out just the two of us. We didn't know each other very well and you were doing my hair. We spent hours laughing and talking and eating corn dogs. I knew after that day that I had found a really great gal! Its been fun knowing you ever since!

The Halls said...

The Jetsons music is killing me...I am laughing so hard at you!!!

Sean and Karaden Lodder said...

Ok so I totally remember when Sean and I were building our house, you were always so sweet to invite us over to warm up, and feed us. I swear I never would have thought that today I'd be sitting in my warm house, on my own couch blogging:). I can't wait to see what the future holds in our friendship...if we can ever return all the favors you've done for us you know who to call.
* Oh yes and how can I forget fabulous boot camp:)