Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kid Tag....Luke version!

What is something that mom always says to you?.... Put your backpack and shoes in your room.
What makes mom happy? When I am nice.
What makes mom sad? When you tell me not to play on the computer and I go play on it.
How does your mom make you laugh? When you dress Bailey up as that cow.
What was your mom like as a child? Weird. (thanks)
How old is your mom? 28 am I right? We will go with that!
How tall is your mom? Taller than me?
What is your moms favorite thing to do? Go shopping!
What does your mom do when you are not around? Stay home!
If your mom were to become famous what would be for? Singing the Star Spangle Banner! (I do a great opera version lol!)
What is your mom really good at? Computer?
What is your mom not really good at? pouring soda....huh? Waking up (I love my sleep!)
What does your mom do for her job? Taking care of Bailey!
What is your moms favorite food? Chinese!
What makes you proud of your mom? If your beat a mission on club peguin!
If your mom was a cartoon character who would it be? Minney mouse! Nate says squidward because he is awnry? Thanks, Nate!
What do you and your mom do together? Try beating a mission on club penguin!
How are you and your mom the same? Were both wearing long pants.
How are you and your mom different? You have long hair and I dont.
How do you know your mom loves you? She does the mission! oh and you make cookies!


Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

So cute! On Friday Luke asked me if I knew the Star Spangled Banner and I started to sing in opera too. He said, "Oh no, I hate opera!" LOL

...DAVE and KATHRYN... said...

I love their answers! It's fun to hear what they think and to see stuff from their perspective.

Megs said...

I am going to have to hear you sing that song sometime. Way to play Club Mission or what ever that is? What is it anyway?

Kenz said...

Amy I love your kids! I miss the a whole heck of a lot! Poor Bailey doesn't even know me:-( But good news I think I am moving back to Bountiful. I'm glad you found my blog and yes I did have to give up on you. That was a sad day for me!;-) How are you guys?

Nikki said...

Funny kids...I love it!