Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bad Blogger!

Dont you just hate clicking on blogs that never get updated!!! Well I do, and mine is one of them. I love to read everyones blogs but I cant seem to update my own. I guess I have forgotten how much time and care a newborn takes and so its easier to click one handed than type. Its funny how she can go from living in a tiny hospital bed and not being able to be held hardly at all, to needing me (and only me) to hold her all day. I guess we are making up for lost time. She is getting so big, we havent been to the doctor in awhile but I am guessing she is in the 9 pound range. She is so alert and EVERYONE says she is a mini Ellie. Her hair is looking a little bit reddish, so it should be interesting to see if it stays that way.
Well she says my time is up so ill post more later.


Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

Who is the boss? What am I talking about - my kids are my boss. I seriously should get the Mom Award! :)

jami said...

She is so dang cute!! Hey anytime you feel like blogging just call me you know that I am always ready to take the baby!!