Thursday, March 6, 2008


Ahhh I dont know what the deal is, but I have more phone problems than anyone in the world. Nate and I only have cell phones because we didnt want to pay for a house line. Well for some reason every phone I have ever had has a battery life of about two minutes. So I am always hanging up on people or else just missing peoples calls. So for awhile texting was my only way to communicate. Well a week or so ago Nate broke down and bought me a new phone, which was great the battery lasted almost all day. Well then two days ago I woke up and my phone said NO SERVICE! So I couldnt call out, receive calls or text, but every few hours my phone would beep and say I had several text messages, but thats all great but then I couldnt respond to any of them. So Nate went this morning and traded it in for a new phone. Then he brought it all the way home and walked in the door and it said NO SERVICE! So now I dont know what to do. Sometimes I get lucky and if I stand in the perfect part of the house I get service for just a second, but since I cant find that spot half the time and really cant sit in that spot all day it does me no good. So anyways the reason for this post is because its really my only way of communicating with anyone right now! So if someone that is reading this by chance tried to call and I havent returned your call or text its not because I am avoiding you, its because I have NO SERVICE!! I guess I just hope I dont have any emergencies and need to call 911 because the emergency may not happen in that perfect little spot of my house that I do get service!


Chan said...

This sucks...well just in case I can give you my garage door code and you can use my phone. Who is your provider?

Sum & Ben said...

Hey Amy, it is Summer....I have called you a few times to try to order some layers stuff from you....Call me if you ever can!! Hopefully you can get the phone thing figured out soon!! That pic of Ellie and Luke is to die for, they are soooo cute!

Hailey said...

Amy I love your new pics! You guys look so cute!! Good luck with your phone thing...